Saturday, April 01, 2006

future guests, persona development, IA Summit

IA_003 Podcast (mp3) Opens Audio File in Browser

Future Guests, Personas, Wrap-up of the IA Summit

This show talks about future guests, the value-add of persona development, and a wrap-up of the I.A. Summit.

C3I Group - Trevor Townsend will be a future guest on the show talking about security and risk management.

Eric Scheid - Ironclad

Olga Howard - Beaconfire

Noreen Whysel - Whysel and the IAWiki

Stig Anderson - defining IA

Call to IAs and other professionals to participate in future shows

Hays Specialist Recruitment

Communicating via Comics
My mistake - I said it was Jess in the podcast, obviously it's Peter in the presentation! Too many names and projects on the brain. The presentation itself is by Kevin Cheng and Jane Jao at Yahoo!

delicious - use the keyword iasummit2006 in the search box to find publications from the IA Summit this year.

5 minute wrap up from the IA Summit

The Chicken Test


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