This one Bar Camp Ottawa!
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Topics range from social tagging and writing for the web to Adobe's new tool Flex, to conversations with other participants on a range of topics and ideas. A great day in Ottawa!
Due to the nature and length of this podcast I thought I would include the time intervals for various discussions. Those downloading the Podcast into iTunes or other feed readers can scan forward to the areas of greatest interest:
- Intro to Podcast 00:00 - 02:28
- Peter Childs opening address to kick off Bar Camp - 02:28 - 06:02
- An overview of the next discussion on Social Tagging / Folksonomy - 0:6:02 - 7:00
- Social Tagging / Folksonomy Discussion - 7:00 - 11:14
- An overview of my conversation with James and Jennifer at Bar Camp - 11:14 - 11:31 (My sincere apologies to Jennifer for using "Brown" instead of her correct last name, "Bruce" - a long day of editing :-) ).
- Conversation with James Cogan and Jennifer Bruce - 11:31 - 20:49
- Video Podcast for Ottawa - Video TWIT for Canada - 20:49 - 21:46
- Kristina Mausser on writing for the web - 21:46 - 36:33
- Content today is still King...or Queen - 36:33 - 37:43
- Mitch Brisebois on his experience at Nortel in the creation of telephone services for third world countries - 37:43 - 49:34
- Overview of Adobe's presentation on Flex 49:34 - 50:04
- Stacy Tyler Young presents on Adobe's latest solution: Flex 49:34 - 1:06:46
- Conclusion - 1:06:46 - 1:07:04
Thank you to everyone who took the time to speak with me. Those that I couldn't include in this podcast who were kind enough to share their thoughts include:
- Janet Wilkinson - repositbox
- Melany Gallant - Ramius
- Brett Tackaberry - 76design
- Steve Palmer - 76design
- Erik Hagborg - Axionic
- Sunir Shah - Ingenius
- Tobi Lutke from Jadedpixel
- Wayne Larsen - nanoware
- Dan Langille - BSDCan
- James Poulsen - edigenous Technology
- Chris Lamont - Sitebrand
- Francis Moran - inmedia Public Relations
- James Neilson - James Perly Consulting Inc.
- Darlene Moore - DriveTraffic
In this podcast I mention a few other initiatives and publications:
Another two great events being coordinated by Peter Childs here in Ottawa are the Demo Camp and Case Camp. Sign up today for the next event!
The Chicken Test - a brilliant video blog by Bryce Johnson from Navantis who couldn't make it up to Ottawa because of the horrific weather we had the day before.
Ottawa Meet-up groups - Two that may be of interest to others include the Blogger and Podcast meet-up events.
Another interesting application that is still in beta is James Cogan's efforts to create
And one final note, I assisted in the testing of a great new Blogging / Publication tool called Public Square - check it out!
Thank you one and all for an amazing Bar Camp - I look forward to the next event!
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